what a difference some rain makes!

After a few days of regular rain – not necessarily a lot, and it came down hard for a little while and went away – the plants are going crazy. Weeds, veggies, flowers, everything

Last night went out and filled the Ollas, as despite the rain, it was surface only and while the plants loved it, the Ollas were empty. or nearly so. Only my 2 gallon ones had even a little water in them.

Of course, all that rain meant a change in temperatures with highs only getting into the 80’s rather than the 90’s.

Asparagus is going nuts, bush beans are becoming pole beans, the boysenberry is trying to take over the entire property, the figs grew inches, the blueberry bushes became bushes! The dwarf mulberry isn’t so dwarf right now!!

and last night, discovered I can grow corn in containers!! Well, we all know I grow everything else in containers, but always thought of corn in those straight rows. But it makes so much sense! and even the idea of being able to turn containers so the outside plants become inside plants for better pollination!!

and miracle of miracles, last night while telling my husband about growing corn in containers, he mentioned that everything seems to be doing better in containers! Even my in ground beds are actually containers as they are lined with pavers on the sides and bottom to keep critters from burrowing into them. But mostly I think he’s referring to my tomatoes as they are the best plants ever and are growing 6 plants in 3 x 5 gallon containers along the side of the house where there sun is minimized compared to the main garden area. Yes, with containers can create micro environments.

Spent this morning prepping a large bag for my rhubarb and starting to get the spot for the peach and plum trees ready.

and with the idea of growing corn for next year, have to pick a different spot for the onion/carrot grow bag.

And am running out of room already! Where I was going to plant the onions and carrots (big 100 gallon grow bag, is probably going to become a corn patch. My only concern is, it is right along the fence line and its just forest beyond that. So need to create a animal free space on the other side of the fence to keep the deer at bay, etc.

This entry was posted in asparagus, carrots, container gardening, corn, fruit, garlic/onions, grow bags, homesteading, ollas, prepping, self-reliance, uncatagorized, water. Bookmark the permalink.

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