signs of spring

Usually start seeds in the greenhouse somewhere mid-Feb to mid-March. To do so means keeping the greenhouse warm which brings aphids to the cool weather plants like lettuce. to start seeds this year, chose to build this triangle shelf with grow lights in the corner of my bathroom. two different types of grow lights. Do one work better than the other? Another experiment. Worked too well actually, and/or did not think out how to handle the seedlings of the tomatoes particularly. In the greenhouse they always took weeks to sprout. In the warmth of the bathroom they were up in less than a week! The calendula seeds were 5 years old and were always difficult to sprout and yet they too took less than a week to come up. So obviously some of these already need to into bigger pots already!

in the greenhouse, the lettuce planted last fall is about done. am letting certain plants go to seed. On the left is a pot planted with a mix mid-December. obviously waiting for the light! Next year, start them in the bathroom under lights!! have also just planted some snap pea seeds in another pot. next pic

back when I got this greenhouse, an option existed for shelves that were to hang from the cross bar. at the time couldn’t afford them and forgot all about the idea until this year. Need a place to bring seedlings from the bathroom (there is chard and spinach as well as the calendula and tomatoes) and its time to start Kale and Arugula – both of which will be grown strictly for bee flowers! So came up with this arrangement from a couple of extra shelves that were laying around. So far, looks like it will work. The pot farthest from the lettuce is where the peas are planted. The one left empty will get some beans in another month or so. yes, there is a Meyer lemon tree there which is sitting next to a 50gallon water barrel to help mitigate temps.

Out in the main garden about 4 of the garlic have sprouted. Figure if 4 came up, more should, hopefully, eventually. This is an experiment with Elephant garlic. Its a little milder than regular, also easier for my arthritic fingers to handle the bigger bulbs. Got the heads from a place in Georgia so hopefully will work well in our climate (zone 8a)

This entry was posted in container gardening, gardening, garlic/onions, greenhouse, grow bags, homesteading, prepping, self-reliance, tomatoes, uncatagorized. Bookmark the permalink.

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